Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Tale of My First Tattoo

The Tale of My First Tattoo PicturesBack in the thirties, when comedienne and music hall entertainer Gracie Fields sang her famous song, a tattooed woman would have been a rare sight indeed - and possibly the brunt of crude jokes and scandal.

Today, a tattoo on a woman is so commonplace that nary an eyebrow is raised. I didn't locate any stats to prove my point, but it wouldn't surprise me if more women are opting for body art than men these days. Or at least I suspect that could be the case in Vancouver, where I live.

I joined their ranks about eight years ago, surprising myself as much as I surprised my friends and family. Having spent a lifetime disliking tattoos and making my dislike known, I found myself admiring the young tattooed women with whom I exercised in the gym and swam with in the pool.

I gradually convinced myself that a small tattoo would be rather cool.

One day, strolling past a tattoo parlour in my neighborhood, I walked in on an impulse and booked an appointment.

I suppose I was lucky in that Jay, the tattoo artist was both talented and professional. No doubt wiser folk would do their research first before booking. They'd want to be sure their artist had the necessary skill level as well as a strong commitment to hygienic practices, so they'd ask around first and get recommendations. That's what I would advise if you asked me.

Choosing the Design and the Location

I wanted my tattoo to be in a body location where I could dress to either hide it or display it as I chose. I decided on a placement on the back of my left shoulder.

The tattoo artist, a charming young man sporting countless tattoos and piercings, showed me several tattoo books and suggested I pick something I liked. At this point, I had no idea how the process worked. I imagined that after I chose a design, Jay would somehow trace it on my body and then cover the tracing with tattoo inks. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this is not how it works. Tattoo artists are indeed artists. They develop their own designs, recommend colors and size and create their artwork on the body freehand, drawing with tattoo needles.

When Jay had a sense of the type of design I liked, he drew a sketch with pen and paper then showed it to me for approval and discussion of color preference. When we were in agreement, he reproduced the drawing on my shoulder using his needles and inks.

I loved the result. I ended up with a beautiful tropical flower done in shades of blue, purple and yellow. It was a larger tattoo than I had pictured initially, but that was okay.

Does it Hurt?

The first question I hear from non-tattooed people is," Does it hurt?"

The answer is, "Yes, a little. But it is not a severe pan."

The first couple of minutes were somewhat painful. I might compare it to a scratching or burning feeling moving across the skin. I didn't know what to expect, so perhaps part of the initial discomfort was nervous anticipation. However, in a couple of minutes, I became accustomed to the sensation and it became more comfortable. Also, I imagine that endorphins kick in after a minute or two, and they are nature's painkillers.

If I remember correctly, the procedure took about thirty minutes. Persons getting larger tattoos usually opt to have them one in more than one setting - no doubt a fine idea. A woman I know had a huge Celtic design tattooed on her back, all in one setting. She admitted to fainting afterward.

Tattoo Aftercare

A fresh tattoo requires consistent care lest it may fade or become infected. Before having the procedure done, be sure to have on hand a cake of gentle, anti-bacterial soap and some salve or ointment. Ask the tattoo artist for brand recommendations, but the type of ointment used for infants' diaper rash should be fine.

Immediately following the tattoo, the artist will apply a bandage. In my case, Jay used a product that resembled saran wrap, which he spread lightly over the tattooed area and held in place with small bandages at the outer edge. This cover was to remain in place for two hours.

After two hours, I was advised to remove the bandage, wash lightly with the soap (no rubbing) and gently apply the ointment. As much as possible, I was to remove clothing and expose the tattoo to air for the next few days. This was a simple enough matter for me, given that the tattoo was on my shoulder and I work from home.

I have no idea how this is handled if the tattoo is situated in a more "private location" and the individual must appear in public.

I was to continue cleaning the tattoo with the soap and using the ointment for several days. At that time, I returned to the tattoo shop for an inspection. Fresh tattoos sometimes fade in areas requiring some parts to be re-done. This did not happen in my case, so no touch up was required.

The tattoo itself took approximately six weeks before it dried completely. Until the healing was completed, I was advised to avoid hot water, soaking in any water such as a bathtub or chlorinated pool and direct exposure to sunshine. I was told also to avoid vigorous scrubbing when cleaning the tattooed area.

Tattoo Removal

I have no plans to have my tattoo removed, but should I ever want to, the best options appear to be either having a fresh tattoo applied over the old or complete removal by laser. Darker inks are easier to remove than bright or pastel colors, but more difficult to tattoo over.

More Body Art?

Today, approximately eight years later, the tattoo is as bright and fresh as it was originally. I am somewhat surprised that it has lasted this long with no signs of fading. I spend considerable time in chlorinated water, which I imagine has the potential to cause fading. However, my tattoo has had little or no exposure to direct sun, given that I always use sun block. Sunshine is a known culprit when it comes to tattoo damage.


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